To control the usage of Twitter Application Programming Interface (API), Twitter establishes a limitation upon how many times it could be utilized within a single hour. The limitation will apply to the Twitter account instead of the apps that make the calls toward the Application Programming Interface, that is, you have one-hundred Application Programming Interface calls/hour overall irrespective of what Twitter apps you utilize - it isn’t one-hundred Application Programming Interface calls/application.
Each operation that communicates with Twitter includes an Application Programming Interface call, what we actually need to understand is what Application Programming Interface calls possess an impact upon the one-hundred calls limitation. The easiest method of thinking about it includes each call to the Twitter Application Programming Interface that requests information counts toward your limitation. Therefore as TweetDeck updates your Direct Messages, Replies, or All Tweets columns it will count as one call each as might seeing a Twitter users profile.
Sending information to Twitter, like posting a direct message or update, following/unfollowing users, or favoriting users, doesn’t count toward the limitation, as well as you could continuously do so even as your rate limitation was exceeded. Plus, updates to the groups, search, Twitscoop and twelve second columns don’t count toward the rate limitation as the information doesn’t come through the Twitter Application Programming Interface.
If one uses up the one-hundred Application Programming Interface calls within the hour they’ll view that ‘rate limit exceeded’ within TweetDeck then Twitter won’t offer any updates until the hour is complete. The Direct Messages, Replies and All Tweets columns within TweetDeck look to be frozen.
What should you do to avoid ‘rate limit exceeded:’
- Run only a single Twitter app at a given time; even if you aren’t utilizing the other ones be certain they’re shut.
- Don’t over use the refresh switch; it’ll cost you three calls/click.
- Attempt to lower the total percentage within this settings window, Twitter Application Programming Interface tab to about sixty to seventy percent – you will get less updates, yet you will utilize less Application Programming Interface.
- If you get the rate limit exceeded, note your reset time within the upper right edge of TweetDeck, and it won’t get any updates until that time - you could continuously post messages, just not view any responses.
- If you get the rate limit exceeded, shut down Twitter apps then reopen them at the reset time.
Twitter API Limitations
This limits sending direct messages, and has limitations to follow additional Twitter users.
The present technical limitations for accounts include:
- Two-hundred and fifty direct messages a day.
- One-thousand updates a day. The day-to-day update limitation is broken down further within smaller limitations for semi-hourly intervals. The retweets will be counted as updates.
- Four changes to account email an hour.
- Following (day-to-day): Note that it’s only a technical account limitation, as well as there will include other rules that will prohibit aggressive following behavior. Technical follow limit will be 1,000 a day.
- Twitter Following (account-base): As an account follows 2,000 additional Twitter users, other attempts to follow will be limited by the account-specific ratios.