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How to Create a Facebook Page for Business Tutorial

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Facebook Page for Business

So, your company finally has a functional, well-designed Web site. Have you thought about adding a Facebook Fan page, too?

More businesses today are turning to Facebook’s powerful social media marketing tools than ever before. Simply put, a Facebook page is a great way to expand your reach globally. The reason? Facebook’s popularity.

While some people will find your company’s Web site, especially through methods like SEO, Google business directory, etc., Facebook’s reach should not be overlooked. And it’s a continuous marketing tool, too. Anytime someone takes an action on your Facebook Fan page, such as “liking” something, that activity is going to appear on that person’s Facebook wall. And that means, other people will see it, too.

Just how popular is Facebook as a business marketing tool? Next time you pick up a newspaper or watch a TV commercial, look for the Facebook symbol or any calls to action, such as “Like us on Facebook.”

Below is a brief tutorial for how you can start your own Facebook Fan page.

1) If you haven’t opened a Facebook account, now is the time to do it. You need a personal Facebook account to set up a business account.  It’s part of Facebook’s Terms and Services. You must use your real name and information. That information will not be on your Fan page, though, unless you put it there intentionally.

2) Look for the “Create a Page” link. It’s not easy to find. You can go to any page where you’re already a fan, scroll down, and look for “Create a Page” at the bottom left column.

3) Here’s a warning: Once you create a name for your site, it isn’t easy to change. So whatever name for your Facebook Fan page you choose, chances are, that’s the one you’re stuck with. In other words, choose wisely. Most business try to incorporate at least part of their company’s name, making it easier for people to find.

4) Now it’s time to customize it. Facebook has a very standard, no-frills default template. There’s nothing wrong with this, and thousands of business go with this option. Or you can try to customize it further, like changing the banner profile and template. Search on the Internet for companies that offer free pics, banner profiles, templates, etc. You can find plenty of free visuals. When choosing a profile pic for your Fan page, remember that this will appear on the page (right side) and as a thumbnail for all your posts. Most business use their company logo.

5) Now it’s time to get people to visit your page, or to “like” it. Some companies actually sell “likes” for a fee. Word of mouth, of course, works, too. But this is where leveraging your other marketing efforts will pay off. Mentioning your Facebook page through traditional advertising (like a print ad) or even adding a link to your Fan page as part of your email signature will generate more traffic.

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