Twitter will include a social-networking site which is going to enable a person to share what it is that is occurring or what it is that is going on as it occurs. It will include an exciting, as well as simple method of giving your family, as well as friends a message update concerning your life, as well as the stuff going on surrounding you within a sentence or two. These status updates are going to be otherwise referred to as ‘tweets.’ With Twitter, it’s possible to make these tweets private in order for just you, as well as your chosen friends to see them.
The first step will include going to the Twitter site, then logging in to the account. If you don’t possess an account, just click ‘Sign Up Now’ in order to create an account.
The second step will involve clicking on ‘Settings,’ as well as clicking on ‘Account.’
The third step will include putting a check inside the box which will state ‘Protect My Tweets.’ It is going to protect the tweets from the public, as well as is going to permit just the friends you’ve chosen to view the tweets. For other people to view the page, they have to request to become your friend, as well as get your confirmation.
Other Considerations
All that will be needed to set up your account includes your name, the display name, a password as well as your email address.
How you can send a Direct Message upon Twitter
Direct messages will include the feature upon Twitter that not just will enable you to send updates toward each of your followers simultaneously, it will additionally permit you to send updates to only a single individual. Plus, users of Twitter could allow phone support (mobile), as well as get direct messages through their smart phones.
1)The first step will be to just log onto Twitter through Twitter’s homepage.
2) Look at Twitter’s DM inbox, or you can click on ‘DM’ link within the sidebar on the right.
3) Choose the recipient’s name from your drop-down tab.
4) Type the private message. Then, you have to verify that this message is right, due to you not having the ability to alter it as it is sent. Click on ‘update’ to send your direct message.
Other Considerations
To send direct messages from your smart phone toward Twitter, write a message that has ‘d USERNAME’ in the start. Send this message to Twitter’s number, ‘40404.’ You could get a direct message from Twitter upon your smart phone. Just login to Twitter, click on ‘Settings’ then ‘Phone&IM.’Upon the sidebar upon the right, pick ‘Phone Notifications’ then pick ‘Direct Messages.’
Different add-on items which use the Twitter Application Programming Interface (API) permit you to send a direct message, too. If you do not involve a name, Twitter is going to post the message to the timeline in the public in which anybody can view it. Be cautious of posting sensitive or private content through direct messages on Twitter.